Our Goal: help you find educational nuggets in the photography blogosphere noise.
If you visit any of the major photography blogs you will notice a deluge of posts (and ads) touting the best lens for this or the best camera for that. There is “branded” content that is not always disclosed as an advertisement. There is also a lot of repeat – the same article “making the rounds” on each blog, but not providing any new information.
Occasionally there is an article that teaches you something without requiring a new piece of gear or a complicated setup. This is where PhotoBlogDitest comes in… We find and aggregate all of the articles from over 100 blogs and sites that actually teach something.
If you really want to see it all (and it’s a lot) check out the “Unfiltered” page. Every post from over 100 blogs… Be warned, it will make your head spin 🙂
If there is a site or blog you would like to have included or want to let us know about something you would like to see on our site, please use the contact form below.
We hope you enjoy the site and Happy Shooting.